Demo for The Future of Work Hackathon
Figure 1. The Future is Not Ours to See. Three datasets are used (see Data for more information). The main source of data is BG, which includes 180,605,633 job advertisements in the U.S. from 2010 to 2019. a, Visualizing U.S. locations of high vs. low automation risk. We select 47,990 locations of three or more job openings in BG. For each location, we obtain the local labor market profile by calculating the market share of 1,060 O*NET jobs across ten years from 2010 to 2019. We then obtain the automation-risk scores of locations by selecting the risk scores of jobs from OC and calculating their averaged value, weighted by market shares. Locations are colored by automation risk, brown for high-risk (risk score > 0.65, top 25%) and cyan for low-risk (risk score <= 0.65, bottom 75%). The logarithmic values of labor market size and automation risk score are negatively correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient equals -0.11, P-value < 0.001). Point size is proportional to job market size (see b for definition). b, Small cities are more vulnerable to automation. We calculate the average number of yearly job openings for 11,998 locations in the high-risk group and 35,992 locations in the low-risk group. We then plot this variable (the x-axis) against its cumulative probability (the y-axis) following the schema of Zipf’s law (Zipf, 1935). We plot data points (locations) from high-risk (cyan) group and low-risk group (brown) separately. c, Automation risk predicts the decrease in wage. We estimate the median annual wage for the 1,060 jobs using 2018 O*NET data. This information is used to calculate the average yearly wage for each location based on its job market profile. By regressing the average yearly wage against years, we derive the annual growth rate in wage (y-axis) and plot it against the automation-risk scores of locations. These two variables are negatively correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient equals -0.31, P-value < 0.001). We only show binned data in the panel. d, Physical jobs are more vulnerable to automation. We estimate the association between jobs and the semantic dimension representing physical efforts (“muscle”) using word embeddings (see Method for more information). The association to physical efforts correlates with the automation-risk of jobs (Pearson correlation coefficient equals 0.7, P-value < 0.001).
This research project responds to the ongoing large-scale replacement of human workers by machines across countries. Motivated by the recent findings that automation has been transformed economic landscape across cities and countries, we explore how small and large cities differ in automation vulnerability. By analyzing more than 180 million job advertisements across 48k locations in the U.S. over the past ten years (2010-2019), we demonstrate that small cities are more vulnerable to automation than large cities. We find that the labor markets in smaller cities are feature by physical occupations, which are easier to automate, and the wage to these jobs was steadily decreasing in the past decade. In contrast, jobs in large cities take more cognitive efforts, harder to automate, and the work pay has been increasing.
1. Small cities are more vulnerable to automation than large cities. Across the studied 47,990 locations, the Pearson correlation coefficient between the logarithmic values of labor market size and the automation-risk score is -0.11 (P-value < 0.001). The largest labor market in the high-risk group (risk score > 0.65, top 25%) only provides 1000 jobs, whereas its counterpart in the low-risk group (risk score <= 0.65, bottom 75%) provides over 300,000 jobs - three hundred times larger. See Frank et al. (2018) for similar findings.
2. Automation risk predicts a decrease in wage. Across the analyzed locations, the Pearson correlation coefficient between the annual growth rate in wage and the automation-risk score is -0.31 (P-value < 0.001).
3. Physical jobs are more vulnerable to automation than cognitive jobs. Across 1,060 jobs, the Pearson correlation coefficient between job association to physical efforts (“muscle”) and the automation-risk score is 0.70 (P-value < 0.001).
The Occupational Information Network Dataset (O*NET). O*NET is an online database that contains occupational definitions. It is freely available at The version used in this study includes the importance scores (ranging from 1 to 5) of 35 skills and 33 knowledge fields that define 966 jobs.
The Burning Glass Dataset (BG). BG is a dataset of job openings. It includes the 180,605,633 advertisements of 1,060 different O*NET jobs across 52,979 locations in the U.S. from 2010 to 2019.
The Occupation Automation Risk Dataset (OC). OC lists 702 O*NET jobs and their risk of automation. These scores are inferred from a training dataset containing 70 O*NET occupations and their label of “computerizable” (either 0 or 1) assigned by a panel of artificial intelligence experts. This dataset is provided as an appendix in the paper by Frey & Osborne (2013).
Identifying Physical and Cognitive Jobs using Word Embeddings
Mikolov et al. (2013) proposed the word2vec model to represent the semantic meanings of words by vectors trained from text data using artificial neural networks. An impressive application of word2vec is completing word analogies, such as identifying V(queen) as the vector closest to “V(women) - V(men) + V(king)” in Cosine distance.
After the paper of Mikolov et al., word2vec and its variations are widely used to analyze large-scale copra. Several pre-trained word vectors are available to the public, including 300-dimension Google News vectors (
), 300-dimension Wikipedia vectors (
), and 200-dimension Twitter vectors (
). Studies on word analogies using these datasets showed that the subtraction between the vectors of antonym pairs gives the universal semantic dimensions. For example, to complete the word analogy mentioned above, the word2vec model defines a “feminine” dimension/vector as “V(women) - V(men)” and then searches for the feminine version of “king” along this dimension in the vector space (Mikolov et al., 2013; McGregor et al., 2016).
Pre-trained word vectors (or word embeddings) are providing fruitful social insights outside the filed of machine learning. Caliskan et al. showed that the fraction of female workers within each occupation is strongly correlated with the Cosine distance from the vector representing female to vectors of occupation names (Caliskan et al., 2017). Garg et al. analyzed pre-trained Google News word vectors and found a decrease in gender bias from in the past century (Garg et al., 2018). Kozlowski et al. showed that the dimension of class existed widely in sports, food, music, vehicles, clothes, and names (Kozlowski et al., 2019).
In the current study, we download the 300-dimension Google News vectors (
), and construct a “muscle” vector to represent physical efforts by calculating the V(muscle) – V(brain). We then take the 68 job-defining words in O*NET (35 skills and 33 fields of knowledge) and calculate the Cosine similarity from their vectors to the constructed “muscle” vector. We average this value within each job, weighted by their importance scores to the job, to derive the association between 966 O*NET jobs and the “muscle” vector. We find that the studied jobs polarize on this dimension, supporting previous studies on the physical-cognitive polarization of U.S. jobs (Alabdulkareem et al., 2018).
Technology tends to create more jobs than it destroys, but this always happened in the long run. Our time is witnessing a massive-scale replacement of human workforce by machine workforce. This saves human workers from dangerous or tedious jobs on one hand and presents an urgent challenge for our society to adopt automation quickly enough to progress on the other.
Automation is reshaping our economic and social landscapes dramatically. There are fewer jobs and more gigs. Machine substitution is happening fast to deskill human workers, who stuck in the past, holding on to their outdated skills and knowledge. The education needed to work with sophisticated machines is getting more expensive. Worker unions are losing their organization power, as work is decomposed and distributed to tens of millions of workers who do not know each other. They are renamed as contractors to justify a deprivation of welfare under cover of the fancy term sharing economies.
Yes, new job opportunities will be created. However, will these opportunities go back to where they were taken? If the answer is no, and if machines are invented to replace workers who were arranged to work like machines due to a lack of educational resources, where does automation leave them? How to protect individual, low-educational workers, who are more vulnerable than ever, both in the U.S. and elsewhere?
Indeed, we are obligated to think about these questions. The changes brought by automation are penetrating from technical and economics domains into political and cultural realms (Harari, 2015). We have seen the reshape of ideological landscapes as the consequences of the tension between human and machine, or, the tension between people who are taking advantages of automation and people who are suffering from it. An example is the rise of right-wing politics and conservatism in the U.S. and globally. The high-risk and low-risk locations presented in Figure 1 is strikingly similar to the 2016 United States presidential election map ( And this will only be a signal of a sequence of more disruptive changes to come, if not understood and address timely and effectively.
The Future is Not My Parents to See
People usually say big changes have small beginnings. Looking back from years after, the first thing I can remember is my mother's craft paper envelope wallet. One day in a very hot, humid summer in the late 1990s, I went home from the playground and asked for ice cream money. I noticed that my mom took out an envelope. It was a brown craft paper envelope, as common as those you would use to send a plain greeting to an unimportant friend. A smart kid could tell there was not much cash in the envelope - it was thin and light. During my mom's difficult search of the right number for my ice cream, seconds became centuries, and in one of those centuries, an unexplainable shame hit me. After I told her I changed my mind about ice cream, I felt both of us feel relieved.
Why paper envelope? I never asked. One explanation is, it is casual enough to carry an insignificant amount of cash that does not deserve an outstanding wallet. Another possibility is, it is a less noticeable and safer container for cash small in amount but large in impact to the family. Or, most likely, I was just an overthinking kid, then and now. However, there is at least one thing that I am quite sure; it was the beginning of a difficult time of my family for years, financially and mentally. My father lost his job from a local beer factory ("Long Quan Beer", or, Dragon Spring Beer). My mother was laid off from a local branch of the national rice company. These are consequences of a national-wide reformation on state-own enterprises, as I learned years after.
Until today, there are no official statistics on tens of millions of Chinese workers laid off in the late 1990s like my parents. At Northeastern, the Chinese rustbelt where cities are built around factories, the job was only the first thing to lose. This massive-scale sacrifice of millions of workers, was claimed to be a necessary preparation for a better future of China. And then the better future came, as promised. After China finished the "state-owned enterprise reformation," it joined the World Trade Organization and led the worldwide economic growth for near two decades. But this future did not reward too much to people like my parents, who were dumped as a disposable workforce, switch between gigs to make a living, and most of them died early because of unprotected working environments and diseases and were forgotten in the dust of history, permanently.
I used to work with a friend from the Department of Sociology at The University of Chicago. Her Ph.D. thesis was on "Xia Gan," a Chinese word meaning "temporarily laid off" – people who invented this word wanted the receivers to believe what they were experiencing was a temporary, informal change, and better arrangements were on its way. We spend days in the library with annual books in search of numbers quantifying tragedies. We found 13% as the ten-year average unemployment rate in Northeastern China during 1991-2000. Over these ten years, more than half workforce experienced "Xia Gan" in Sheng Yang, the capital city of Liao Ning Province. For comparison, the ten-year average unemployment rate was near 14% during the great depression (1931-1940), which became a collective trauma of the U. S. across decades.
This is not just the story of the generation of my parents, but also our generation, and every generation living in the time of disruptive technological changes. Machine intelligence is not only taking over jobs from steel and motorcycle factories in Ohio(See the great documentary American Factory, Liao Ning, and other rustbelt areas around the world, they are transforming the workplace in silicon valley, the wall street, and beyond. According to Frey & Osborne (2013), 47% of the U. S. jobs will be replaced in a decade or two. Software engineers at the largest Web companies from China are protesting the "966" working hour system (9:00 am to 9:00 pm, six days per week), while their peers at India are not working on an easier schedule. Very soon the jobs we think hard to automize, such illustrators or programmers will be automated. What will the future look like by them, and that future is whom to see?
The photo of my parents and me. I had a fancy hat carrying the good wishes from my parents to become someone better than me today - a brave, good policeman protecting the security of citizens. My mom and dad were looking forward to the years ahead to live – into different directions.
The photos of Indiana Gary (the upper left panel) and Sheng Yang City from Northeastern China (the lower right panel). They share very similar landscapes of a rusty, industrial style. The lower left panel shows the cover of a prize-winning documentary for “Xia Gan” (laid-off) workers from Sheng Yang City. The upper left panel shows the cover of a best-seller among the conservative audience